Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Still Alive...

Hello Peoples.

VERY quick update. I am not here to complain and whinge!

I've been getting emails and comments asking how I am and I just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS.

I miss you guys!

I'm still not well, the doctors still seem stumped at this stage so I'm still feeling yukky and in pain.

Never fear!

For what it's worth...

I WILL get better.
I WILL have a positive attitude.
I WILL keep my sense of humour.

I WILL be back soon.


  1. Brea, honey, I hope you get better real soon. Take care of yourself.

  2. My love, thank goodness you are still here! Can you let me know quickly if you received your gift...I hope it got to you...Get well soon xxx Michelle

  3. So glad you're hanging in there -- so appreciate your update.

    You're in so many thoughts....

    You will find an answer and get to the bottom of this. Until that day, keep being strong.

    Peace, serenity and good health,

  4. Just stopped by to stalk. You doing okay?

  5. I hope you're doing okay. Looking forward to the day you return to us healthy and reinvigorated. xx

  6. I'm sorry to hear this. :( Sometimes doctors don't seem to know much beyond requesting more tests.
    I've been gone myself for a bit - what's going on? Anything I can do?


Thanks for taking the time to stop by! I absolutely LOVE comments!!!
But please, play nice okay?